so basically, deirdre and I
got really liquored up and
went to all these VIP
parties during Fashion
Week in NYC. We dressed
like complete goofs right down to matching mullet wigs and
pretended we were
Oh ma GAWD it's snowing!
We never get snow like this
in DALLAS! Wait till I tell
the people back in Dallas
about this snow and these
snooty parties! Do my tits
look okay to you?!
maternity models from
Dallas. I was supposedly
from the Dallas Tribune,
and Deirdre? She was from,
well she was just from
Dallas. You know, it never
snows Dallas.
When Deirdre got asked for
her driver's license at Joe's
Pub, she responded with
"I don't DRIIIVE! My
boyfriend drives me! " She succeeded in being SO annoying that th ebouncers just let her in anyway.