(insert really lame stock
photgraph of like, e-guy on
meridian phone here)
 Your e-deadline is e-proaching. You haven't had an original thought since '94. Your desk is too cluttered with lava lamps for you to formulate innovative e-branding solutions to maintain product-based client relationships. Don't worry. The e-content! new media concept generator will strategically generate a strategy both you and your clients can kind of pretend to understand.


Give your strategy/company a name.Trust us, this will help you. When someone asks exactly what e-aerotek solutionsoft does, you can look them right in their smug new economy face and say "I think our corporate identity says all that needs to be said." Then you can motor away on your Razor scooter like nothing ever happened. We think e-content! is pretty fucking brilliant, but we own it and you can't use it. Good tip: When in doubt, throw in a vaguely German/Scandinavian word that means nothing like "schgutten." That way, when people totally don't understand just what it is you're trying to do they'll think "A clear, concise definition of this company's purpose is probably explained best by that word I don't know." And if all else fails and you are exposed or your e-company goes belly up, just change your name to something in ENGLISH that doesn't exist. Like Accenture. Okay, enough talk! Generate my company identity!


First it was "content is king", then I guess there was a military coup because the King just wasn't profitable enough. Then Fast Company announced "It's the people, stupid!" and this "talent" thing was a big deal. Now nobody cares what it's "about" because frankly, it's all too fucking boring. But if e-content! had to take a stab, we'd say it's all about cloaking your lame idea in a bunch of jargon and e-vagueries no one can understand or bothers trying to. That said, it's now time to formulate a solvent business model utilizing state-of-the-art integrated data-delivery techniques for manufacturing digital content, natch.
Just click here when you are ready.



*under construction*


all information copyright 2001. tagged,Inc.